GREEN nouvelle exposition Printemps/Ete

If you're heading to Brussels between beginning of March and end of July don't forget to checkout one 2 of my new collection at ICKX Contemporary Jewelry. A collective exhibition inspired by nature 'Green' emerging in figurative and abstract form...only way to learn more is to find out in person!


Exposition du 01/03 au 28/07/2018

Pour cette période printemps/été, cette exposition sera tournée vers la nature sous différentes formes: figurative, abstraite à conceptuelle.
Une vingtaine de créateurs belges et étrangers vous proposent des pièces au design singulier, épuré voir minimaliste; dans des matériaux variés parfois inattendus; et des techniques de fabrication artisanale et nouvelles technologies.
Du bijoux contemporain à la sélection d'objets, chaque pièce est unique ou réalisée en petite série." Heures d'ouverture :

du jeudi au samedi : 11h à 18h30
Ou, sur rendez-vous par mail
ou par téléphone au 0494 64 93 36
- Ateliers M-O
- Isabelle Bianchi Marchesseau
- Irène Beira
- Cécile Bertrand
- Isabelle Gereec
- Anne Goy
- Jana Graf
- Audrey Ickx
- Gili Dolner
- Sylvie Jousset
- Christine Keyeux Schnöller
- Sabina Kolonic
- Sana Lopez Abellán
- Maria Crisitina Belucci et Elizabetta Dupré
- Mala leche Design
- Minicyn bijoux
- Alain Roggeman
- Karola Torkos
- Ioana Ardelaan
- Eve Vaucheret
- Zest (Delphine Noelke et Vincent Chartier)
- 100% maman (Commerce équitable)

Mother of Pearl Capsule collection

Since the beginning of the year, I've been experimenting with some pieces of Mother of Pearl from my stash of goodies. Learning on how to cut/saw, polish, shape etc the material ('Nacre' in French). It's been a rather messy study though the results have been rewarding. It reverberated in just a small handful of earrings which I'd presented them briefly during my participation in JEMA (please see my previous Blog posts) at my studio.

I happy to say that a few of the designs will be available to purchase in the next few days. The quantity is very limited unfortunately so brace yourselves!

Here are just some which I'll be listing soon. Available in both Silver or oxidised.

Gros Bisou, Petit bisou?

Ode to rings and kisses, big or small.

I've learned after living in Paris, France for 7 years now that the french has a number of different words for "kiss," which can be confusing for foreigners. The kind of kiss I'm referring to are the platonic ones exchanged between friends, families, and colleagues. It is an important and ritualistic gesture for all first immediate encounters, even in most workplaces. Note: Not to mention that they have over 40 different kinds of kisses, as Kristoffer Nyrop noted in his book The Kiss and its History. But let's not get sidetracked here!

The most widely used terms are bise and bisou, and while they are both informal with similar meanings and uses, they're not quite the same! Une Bise is a kiss on each side of the cheek as a gesture of friendship, used for hellos or goodbyes between friends or acquaintances. This version is often also used to sign off at the end of a letter and in the expression 'faire la bise'. Whereas Bisou has a more familiar tone, is a warmer, more playful version – referring to a kiss on the cheek or on the lips! Bisous(plural) can say good-bye to a good friends or families as well used to end a conversation on the phone often repetitively to emphasise closeness, love or warmth! Bisou bisou! Gros bisou!

Quickly jumping off to the topic of rings much has the meaning of rings changed today in our community? Did you know that unlike in the medieval period and up until the present in some religion and high-class society that rank was often signified by the wearing of a ring – one would even kiss a person's ring to show submission to authority, quite the contrary to our contemporary setting today! It is thanks to the breakdown of the class system in majority of our population today, we all have the right to; regardless of age or class, both own and wear a ring.

Here is where I share with you some pictures of my latest fruition from these 2 insights. Also available to order (made-to-measure) at

Bisous a tout le monde x